Winter may make all our surroundings pretty but they sure give you a hard time when it comes to mornings when you have to shovel all the snow off the sidewalk and the driveway.
Good thing I have my Formula 303 natural muscle relaxer to keep me company and prevent any back pain. I never run out of Formula 303 as it keeps me from feeling any back spasm that I have experienced last year. You see, one morning, I found that our driveway was blocked by what looked like tons of snow, so I hauled my trusty shovel from the garage and started shoveling. I must be getting on in years because a few minutes after that back-breaking work, I started feeling pain in my lower back. It was a dull pain with spasm, so I didn’t mind it and still shoveled. After I have cleared the pathway, I started my truck and went on my way.
However, by nightfall, the back spasms had intensified. I couldn’t fall asleep. I tried all possible positions, but it was of no use. I had to go downstairs and tried to sleep upright on the sofa. Believe me, it was one of the worse nights of my life.
I went to my doctor and she prescribed over-the-counter pain relievers. She told me that I am suffering from sciatica and I would have to undergo physical therapy. I tried the pain relievers but the spasms wouldn’t let up. I spent another night on the couch, trying to sleep but couldn’t. I called up my friend, Henry, who had suffered sciatica to ask what he did to cope with the pain. Henry told me that I should go to his chiropractor. I wrote down the number and address and thanked him. The chiropractor helped me a lot with my pain.
For the spasm, the chiropractor recommended that I take Formula 303. I hadn't heard about this Formula 303, but it sounded like it came out of a James Bond movie. The name was cool, but its effects are way cooler. Formula 303 packs in its tablet natural tension and muslce relaxants, such as valerian root, passiflora, and magnesium carbonate. These three ingredients relax the muscles that are causing the pain in my back. The first night of using Formula 303, I was finally able to sleep. It was blissful!
Now, I am never without my natural muscle relaxer and even though winter brings more opportunities for me to shovel snow, I am not worried that I’ll suffer from back pain again. Not even if I shovel for hours. Formula 303 has got my back this time around.