In speaking with many chiropractors around the country who prescribe Formula 303 in their practice, the same story keeps surfacing. Formula 303 works great for spasm and it's all natural.
For chiropractors the fact that they can recommend a natural muscle relaxer is of primary concern. The fact that Formula 303 works so well is icing on the cake. The main reason it seems to be so effective has to do with the combination of 3 homeopathic ingredients. The ingredients are valerian, passiflora and magnesium. There's been a lot written about those ingredients on the web and there are many studies that show why they are so effective at relaxing tight muscles that are in chronic spasm.
Most people go to the chiropractor for back pain or neck pain. Everyone wants their chiro to come home with them so they can get an adjustment at home. That's not going to happen unless you marry the next best thing is to buy a bottle of Formula 303 to help with the spasm and it's related pain until your next visit.